The Wolf

The Wolf

The Wolf All the time I spent in the high country of Southern Alberta I never got to actually see a wolf. Oh they were there and when we were following wild horses they would follow us. Tracks everywhere but no I never got to see one up close. I find them facinating...


Bobcat This is a city cat, one of the many bobcats that have adapted to life in the middle of the DFW Metroplex. One of my favorite places to spend my time wandering with my camera is  the Arbor Hills Nature Preserve in Plano, Texas. I have spent a lot of time...
Buffalo Shadow

Buffalo Shadow

Never was there a more powerful force than the Buffalo who roamed the grasslands of North American. He supplied nourishment, warmth and lodging to the people who shared his domain. He was the source of legends, songs and traditions that still exist today. He commanded...
Flamingo Dance

Flamingo Dance

Flamingo Dance I suppose you could call me a Birder these days. After years of photographing horses in just about every discipline, wild and otherwise switching to birds seems a strange transition. However I find that I really enjoy it. I have to admit it’s a lot...
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