My Blog
My collection of life’s experiences. Nature is a big part of my inspiration, be it wilderness landscapes or the animals that call it home.
Sing A Song Of Horses
Sing A Song Of Horses We often equate the things we love...
Black Is The Crow
Black is the Crow Crows have long captured the human...
Memories Are Our History
Why We Paint the Things We Are Familiar With Growing up in...
Fall Colors
The Subtle Art of Watercolor: Capturing Fall’s Elegance in...
Three Pines
Winter is fading into spring, the sun feels like your best...
Set Sail
Set sail into a world where the sea and sky merge into a...
Loon Dance
Immerse yourself in a breathtaking world where art and...
Spots Of Color
I've learned not to be disappointed when I go out with my...
Nature Is The Artist
In the grand tapestry of existence, nature stands as the...
Follow The Buffalo
 In the vast expanse of the American West, there once...
Who Are You
In the vast expanse of the countryside, amidst rolling...
Waiting Our Turn
Equestrian sports are indeed a unique blend of skill,...
Canada Goose
Every spring, I eagerly await the return of what I...
Old English Village
In the early 1800s, an old English village would have been...
Times Long Past
Journeying from Colorado Springs to Albuquerque, I...