Welcome to my wonderful world.
Harry Vold
I grew up with Harry’s kids and spent a lot of time at his rodeos. My son is a professional...
Lazy River Run
Lazy River Run A day spent on a river be it large or small is never wasted. If you are an avid...
Tiger Lilly
Tiger Lilly After a long cold winter in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, Canada the wildflowers...
Rocky Mountain Ice Fields
Rocky Mountain Ice Fields On a quiet sunny day, with the wind gently blowing the peaks of the...
The Zebra
What is it that captivates so many of us when we think Zebra? Is it the stripes? The sharp...
The Dalmatian
The Dalmatian He is sure to stand out in the crowd, not to be denied. Made famous by Disney and...
Big Cat Nap
Big Cat Nap Oh, the life of the cat be they big or small. Sleep the day away, get up do a little...
Russian Thistle
Russian Thistle I spend hours hiking with my camera never knowing what I might find. I am...
On The River
On The River A day on the river is the best medicine Mother Nature has stashed in her considerable...
