North Fork Ranger Cabin

Located west of Millarville just past the Quirk Creek Plant on Three Point Creek is the Chinook Ranch owned by John and Ismae Ballachey. Bordering on the forest reserve known as  Kananaskis Country  and my home for many years.

This little cabin was originally the North Fork Ranger cabin. John acquired it after it was no longer being used and moved it to the ranch. It was in amazing shape but the interior was bare walls. The family has recently renovated the cabin inside and out. I can’t wait to check it out on my next trip.

John, Isamae, Barbara and Brenda were like family. Both of my kids considered John Grandpa and Isamae Grandma and I think they did to.

We seem to find our way back often. My daughter was married there. Living in Texas at the time there was never any question as to where she wanted to go. I have to visit every time I am in the neighborhood as well.  There is a connection that will be around as long as I am.  Dear friends last forever no matter the distance in between.

I am looking forward to seeing the pictures of the interior and will post them as soon as I get them.

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