Chalkboard Posters

Chalkboard Posters

Time to Party Need the perfect gift, for that special occasion? Birthday, New Baby, or Anniversary a personalized chalk board poster sets the stage for that special event. Make it an invitation, a card or a poster. You provide the information and I will do the rest....
King Of The Prairies

King Of The Prairies

King of Prairie The Buffalo who reigned supreme over North America’s grasslands. Thousands of these majestic animals once roamed the grasslands. Many Native Americans believed buffalo spirits brought sacred knowledge to the people of the plains. The Coyote is thought...
Midnight Raven

Midnight Raven

Midnight Raven Common ravens have coexisted with humans for thousands of years and in some areas have been so numerous that people have regarded them as pests. Part of their success as a species is due to their omnivorous diet; they are extremely versatile and...
Chinook Wind Colors

Chinook Wind Colors

Chinook Wind Colors Chinook wind arch’s are created by the winds common to Southern Alberta. Sunsets have an enchantment that captivates us all at one time or an other. The inspiration for this painting was witnessed in Southern Alberta, farming country. A sudden...
Painted Valley

Painted Valley

Painted Valley Saddle Bronc horse of the Year in 2010. A cowboy’s horse if there ever was one, some of you may recognize him. I might add not many can ride him. Referenced from a photo I took of Painted Valley when Sam and I were in Pueblo Colorado . He has always...
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