A New Day Dawns

A New Day Dawns

A New Day Dawns With the sun rise we are given a brand new day to do with as we will. Yesterday is over and never to return. Today is new, just for you to do the things that need to be done or things you want to do. I am a sunrise person. Greeting the day as an...
Little Red Truck

Little Red Truck

Little Red Truck A little whimsey, a bit of fun carried away in a little red truck. Taking a break from my conventioal art is fun and most of my vector  graphics tend to end up as a cartoon of some sort but then cartoons are fun. This vector cartoon was  drawn with...
Charolais Girls

Charolais Girls

Is there anything more curious than a cow? These beauties are of the Charolais variety. Their popularity varies due to their specific and very demonstative genetic traits. They are big and they know it. A Charolais mama is something you should take very seriously. I...
Carolina Wren

Carolina Wren

Carolina Wren Measured in ounces, no neck to speak of, a body shaped like a walnut and a tail that stands at attention a good deal of the time. One of the most common wrens know for it’s distinctive vocalizations. This little bird is a fighter that I...
Winter Jay

Winter Jay

Winter Jay Jay’s of all types are cheekey, aggressive, colorful and territorial. They have no problem pecking birds of prey three times their size. Hogging the bird feeder is an art they have perfected. Oh and lets not forget their vocabulary it’s as large...
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