The Ranch

The Ranch

The Ranch This is home to me. I spent my childhood roaming these hills. Limited only by my imagination life was a continous adventure. Yes I know how lucky I was to have had the opportunity to explore, experience, and live life to the fullest. Days were an never...
The Sentinel Of The Prairie

The Sentinel Of The Prairie

The Sentinel Of The Prairie As you scan the horizon in farming country the grain elevator was often the first thing you would see that told you were close to one of the tiny prairie farming hamlets. This painting has a special meaning to me as it was home to family....
Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Ruby Throated Hummingbird Speed freaks, who are agressive and a never ending source of entertainment. Sporting  irridescent colors and the ability to move with astounding speed it’s as if they are tiny little spaceships that just rocket from place to place. For...
Base Camp

Base Camp

Home away from home at our Sheep River base camp. Oh the stories this cook tent could tell. Lot’s of good food, clients, friends and family. When the smoke is rolling chances are there is a fresh pot of coffee brewing. If you had an in with the cook there might...
My Name is Wolf

My Name is Wolf

The wolf, characterized as the villain more often than not.  A dramatic fictional character who is typically at odds with the hero. How many of us have met one that has remained cemented in our memory for a lifetime. From stories written long ago, or a film I’ll...
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