Burns Lake Alberta Canada

Burns Lake Alberta Canada

Burns Lake, Kananaskis Alberta Sometimes it’s the familiar places that come to mind when I sit down to paint, this is one of those places. Burns lake was close to our base camp so we routinely took our clients up for the day it was a great way to introduce them...
Horses Can Dance

Horses Can Dance

There is so Horses Can Dance There is something magical in the combined talent of an athletic horse and a rider who is aware of that talent. The riders must be equally as gifted. Teamwork is what makes it work. The result is a flawless performance that is perceived by...
Focus On The Prize

Focus On The Prize

Focus On The Prize Show Jumping is a sport that requires ultimate team work, trust and athletic ability in both the horse and rider. It’s not easy to be consistently in the money. To focus on the prize is the challenge and every riders goal. This painting was...
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