Winter Jay

Winter Jay

Winter Jay Jay’s of all types are cheekey, aggressive, colorful and territorial. They have no problem pecking birds of prey three times their size. Hogging the bird feeder is an art they have perfected. Oh and lets not forget their vocabulary it’s as large...
Red Fox

Red Fox

Red Fox It’s impossible to look at the face of a Red Fox and fail to smile. One of the most handsome, curious, and resourceful animals in the animal kingdom. They can adapt to any circumstance their environment has to offer. Fox pups are curious almost to the...
Focus On The Prize

Focus On The Prize

Focus On The Prize Show Jumping is a sport that requires ultimate team work, trust and athletic ability in both the horse and rider. It’s not easy to be consistently in the money. To focus on the prize is the challenge and every riders goal. This painting was...
Guardian Of The Night

Guardian Of The Night

Midnight Raven When the winter sky turns dark and a gentle snow falls on the back range, hiding in the shadows is the “Guardian Of The Night”. Known though out history as a trickster and the messenger, foretelling good fortune or disaster he forever is...
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