City Hawk

City Hawk

City Hawk This particular Red Tail is a regular in our neighborhood. Adjusted to life in the city he is very comfortable crusing the back yards picking off snakes and the occasional squirrel, it’s obvious this one is well fed.  City life suits him a common trait...
Cedar Waxwing

Cedar Waxwing

The Cedar Waxwing The Cedar Waxwing is a classy character. They are a medium-sized sleek bird with a big head, short neck and a short wide bill. Sorting a flamboyant crest that is hard to miss when raised they are certainly eye catching. They have a bandit mask of...
Red Fox

Red Fox

Red Fox It’s impossible to look at the face of a Red Fox and fail to smile. One of the most handsome, curious, and resourceful animals in the animal kingdom. They can adapt to any circumstance their environment has to offer. Fox pups are curious almost to the...
The Plains Dweller

The Plains Dweller

The Plains Dweller A watercolor of a time when life was simpler. Looking out at your landscape today what do you see?  I guess I long for simpler times, when there was a 360 degree view of the horizon, the stars in the night sky were unmistakable and the day was...
Home Is Where The Heart Is

Home Is Where The Heart Is

My Backyard These images are of special meaning to me as they are of the Columbia River, and the ranch I grew up on. Painted by a friend of my Mom and Dad’s who loved to come visit.  It’s safe to say the memories of having what seemed like the whole world...
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