Nature Is The Artist

Nature Is The Artist

In the grand tapestry of existence, nature stands as the ultimate artist, wielding her brush with a mastery that transcends human comprehension. Since time immemorial, humans have gazed upon her canvas, awestruck by the beauty and wonder that unfolds before them. From...
Old English Village

Old English Village

Old English Village In the early 1800s, an old English village would have been a picturesque scene, bustling with life and activity. Let’s imagine a watercolor painting capturing the essence of such a village. The focal point of the painting might be a quaint...
Hill Side Spring

Hill Side Spring

Hill Side Spring The  artesian spring, a creation of nature, embodies a treasure waiting to be discovered. Serenely nestled atop the hill,  precious waters gracefully cascade from the hillside, gently bestowing nourishment upon all it encounter. Nature’s own...
Bluebird of Happiness

Bluebird of Happiness

The Blue Bird of Happiness At a loss for what to say about this little watercolor blue bird, I thought this very old and famous song might be the just right . Bluebird of Happiness (song) from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. “Bluebird of Happiness” is a song...
The Sea is Magic

The Sea is Magic

The Sea Is Magic When you find yourself in stormy seas lost and afraid, know you’re not alone. There is always someone willing to lead you through the rough water to a safe harbor.  In some cases, help just magically appears if you take the time to look for...
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