The Sea is Magic

The Sea is Magic

The Sea Is Magic When you find yourself in stormy seas lost and afraid, know you’re not alone. There is always someone willing to lead you through the rough water to a safe harbor.  In some cases, help just magically appears if you take the time to look for...
Midnight Orca

Midnight Orca

Midnight Oraca The Orca is my favorite of all of natures creations, I could site on the shores of Northern British Columbia for days watching them. Their vocalizations are mesmerizing. Their swimming seems effortless, quite possibly one of the most beautiful animals...
Blue Whale Rising

Blue Whale Rising

The Blue Whale Rising We have all seen the pictures but few have had the opportunity to actually meet the leviathan of the sea. His size alone makes him one of natures most spectacular creatures. The blue whale is the largest animal on the planet, weighing as much as...
Deep Blue Sea

Deep Blue Sea

Deep Blue Sea How many times have I dreamed of a chance encounter with a leviathan of the deep blue sea. The Blue Whale conjures up fantastical tales of the wonders of ocean depths that I can only imagine. What have they seen, where do they go, and what adventures...
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