Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron

Blue Heron Great blue herons are one of the most beautiful of all the shore birds. The male and female look almost the same. On average, males are a little larger with longer ornamental plumes, but these distinctions are so slight and variable that it’s hard to see...
Hill Side Spring

Hill Side Spring

Hill Side Spring The  artesian spring, a creation of nature, embodies a treasure waiting to be discovered. Serenely nestled atop the hill,  precious waters gracefully cascade from the hillside, gently bestowing nourishment upon all it encounter. Nature’s own...
Bluebird of Happiness

Bluebird of Happiness

The Blue Bird of Happiness At a loss for what to say about this little watercolor blue bird, I thought this very old and famous song might be the just right . Bluebird of Happiness (song) from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. “Bluebird of Happiness” is a song...
Summer On The Levy

Summer On The Levy

Summer On The Levy The solitude nature provides is the best medicine for those who seek its gifts. No, it’s not quiet, you will hear a multitude of sounds. Some you recognize and some you have never heard before. Take note of the unfamiliar and search for the source....
The Storm

The Storm

The Storm The sun has slipped below the horizon leaving the last light of the day to illuminate the on coming storm. The waves are crashing on the rocky beach reflecting the night sky. The waves can be heard crashing on the rocks and wind sings it’s warning to those...
The Sea is Magic

The Sea is Magic

The Sea Is Magic When you find yourself in stormy seas lost and afraid, know you’re not alone. There is always someone willing to lead you through the rough water to a safe harbor.  In some cases, help just magically appears if you take the time to look for...
The California Wren

The California Wren

The California Wren What they lack in size they make up for in attitude. Perhaps one of my favorite. They are the only little birds that I have seen get down on the ground and fight. Resembling two little brown cotton balls tumbling and rolling about. They are...
Calico Ridge

Calico Ridge

Calico Ridge The more I play with a more impressionistic style the more fun I have. Lay down a little color and then add some more. Let the color dictate the scene. Kind of like the grab bag you never know what you’re going to end up with. That’s the magic of water...
Chasing The Moon

Chasing The Moon

Moon Dance Well, it’s a marvelous night for a moon dance. With the stars up above in your eyes. A fabulous night to make romance ‘Neath the cover of October skies. All the leaves on the trees are falling to the sound of the breezes that blow. I’m...
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