Tiger Lilly

Aug 4, 2022 | Fine Art, Landscape, Portfolio

Tiger Lilly

After a long cold winter in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, Canada the wildflowers that herald the end of winter are first things one looks for when they venture into the high country for the first time after the snow is gone and the grass is turning green.

The Crocus of course is usually the first to peek out of the cold ground but as thing warm up they are followed by a flood of color that makes springtime in the Rockies so special. The Shooting Stars, Indian Paintbrush, Brown Eyed Susan’s, Shooting Stars are just a few that spread the flood of color that is to come.

One of my favorites has always been the Tiger Lilly. They don’t last long but they do tell you winter is over for another year so consume the color and the beauty then hold them in your heart until next spring.

This is a Digital Watercolor painting. “The Tiger Lilly”, copyright Connie Kelts.

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