Artesian Spring

Sep 18, 2022 | Fine Art, Landscape, Portfolio

Artesian Spring

An artesian spring is like having a personal gold mine on your property, in some cases more valuable. Springs become artesian when the water flows to the surface naturally without the aid of a pump. These types of springs seem to defy gravity but, the water is being forced out by the pressure that has built between two impermeable surfaces. I have often wondered how many homestead’s homeplace was determined by the location of one of nature’s gifts the artesian well.

When water flows down a decline into a porous substance such a rock, sand or gravel. Surrounding the porous substance is rock or other material so hard that the water cannot escape through it to reach ground level. This combined with the flow of water creates pressure that is only released when it finds an escape and settles in a depression in the rock. The overflow will let gravity take it in this case to the river below. Some artesian springs even rise above ground level without any man-made assistance at all.

When water flows down a decline into a porous substance such a rock, sand or gravel. Surrounding the porous substance is rock or other material so hard that the water cannot escape through it to reach ground level. This combined with the flow of water creates pressure that is only released when it finds an escape and settles in a depression in the rock. The overflow will let gravity take it in this case to the river below. Some artesian springs even rise above ground level without any man-made assistance at all.

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